Utopia Fiber

5 Deadly Sins of Fiber Internet

You have probably heard of the traditional 7 deadly sins, but today we’re here to tell you about the 5 deadly sins of fiber-optic internet! With fiber-optic connections becoming more common across the country it can’t hurt to know some important facts about fiber-optics, and we’re here to share with you what we think are the 5 worst things you can do with your fiber-optic connection.

1 Don’t Move It!

While your fiber-optic connection to the internet is strong, it’s important to remember the fiber-optic lines are thin strands of glass that are fragile and can break if moved haphazardly. On our network, you get a dedicated fiber line that is fed directly into your house and connected to your UTOPIA Fiber modem-like device called an ONT. Once your fiber has been installed please refrain from moving your ONT device as it will likely result in damaging your fiber line, and severing your internet connection. If you wish to move the location of your ONT unit, give us a call! We would be happy to send one of our fiber techs out to move your fiber connection for you.

2 Not Having the Correct Router.

One of the best things about having fiber-optic internet is that you have the fastest internet connection in the world! With great power comes great responsibility, and with faster internet speeds you need to make sure you have a router that can keep up with those fast speeds. If you choose a router that can’t handle your internet connection, you won’t be able to fully utilize the speed that fiber-optics can give you. Depending on if you go with a 250 Mbps, 1 Gbps, or 10 Gbps connection you will need a router that can handle that speed or more! If you are struggling to find a router that can keep up with your speed and your budget you can check out our list of recommended routers under $200 on our website here.

3 Pressing the Reset Button on Your ONT Unit.

Your UTOPIA Fiber equipment (ONT unit) may look like a router, but it functions like a modem and should not be treated like a router. Even if you are having problems with your internet connection, never hit the reset button on your ONT unit. Resetting or trying to reconfigure your ONT will erase all data and configurations that are on the device. This will make it so that we can’t see your device information to help you and may require us to send a tech out to fix your device. If you are having problems with your internet connection, there are a couple things you can try. First contact your ISP (you can find their contact info here) or check our Twitter status account to check for any outages that may be in your area. You can also try restarting your router, but NEVER reset or reconfigure your ONT unit. If you still have problems after trying these suggestions give our customer service team a call and they can walk you through any problems that may be on our side. You can find their contact information here.

4 Paying Too Much.

In today’s digital world, we don’t think it’s unreasonable to think that the internet should be fast and affordable! If you are paying $60 or more for internet every month you should have a quality internet connection. When you are on our network not only are you getting affordable internet, but you are also getting a reliable future-proof internet connection, symmetrical upload and download speeds, and access to a great customer service team! Plans start at $65 a month for a 250 Mbps plan, and you can learn even more about how our pricing works here.

5 Not Having It!

The worst of all fiber-optic sins you can commit is not having it if it is available in your area! There are so many benefits to having a fiber-optic connection, and if the internet is a big part of your day-to-day operations, it should be a no-brainer to get connected today. Check our availability map here to see if your address is available for connection. 

What do you think of our 5 deadly sins of fiber internet? Did we miss any big no-nos when it comes to having fiber? Let us know on our social media what you think! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and Reddit.